Miami Vice Comics : release of the first episode

Version française  |  English version

That's it! The first episode of the new adventures of  Crockett, Tubbs and of their colleagues of OCB is officially released! For nearly 8 months, since the announcement of adaptation as comics of the mythical series of the 80s, Miami Vice fans are waiting for this day. At first planned for October, the publication of this first episode will have sudden adjournments, even to these quite last weeks. But in the end, it's there! On this occasion, asked some questions to Shannon Eric Denton, senior editor at Lion Forge. (DFAM): Since July, 2013, and the announcement of the resumption of five NBCUniversal’s franchises, four of them were released: Knight Rider and Airwolf in fall 2013, then Saved by the Bell and Punky Brewster in early february. How did fans welcome these comics?

Shannon Denton (SD): The fans have been great! In fact at one point, Knight Rider was the top-selling book on ComicsPlus for 12 days in a row! We have loved seeing the readers’ reactions to the titles and Lion Forge’s version of each property.

DFAM: In August, 2013, you told us that the first Miami Vice comic’s release would happen in October. It’s now end of February, 2014, and you are going to release this first new adventure… Did you meet concerns for the validation of the scenarios or the drawings? Did NBC Universal or Michael Mann have a right to inspect your creations? In brief, what happened since August?

SD: It is true that we tentatively planned to release the first issue of Miami Vice in the fall. To be honest, our schedules just changed. We didn’t encounter any issues with NBCUniversal or getting approvals. We just wanted to come out with the best Miami Vice comic we could and that takes time.

DFAM: At the time, you spoke about a monthly release. Is this schedule confirmed?

SD: We plan to release a new issues the last week of each month.

DFAM: Have you already several numbers in your magic boxes? Or stories will be written as one goes along, according to the returns of the fans?

SD: There are eight issues in the first “season”. Obviously, we want the comics to sell well and for readers to like them and tell their friends.

DFAM: About stories or characters, whom do we have to expect for these new adventures?

SD: There were many great characters from the original series and we’re hoping to give each of them their due.

DFAM: What was the approach of Carl Reed used to restore the original sets of the series? Did he watch season 1 episodes again and again?

SD: Art director, Carl Reed, is never not watching “Miami Vice”! His family has urged him to try something new but it’s no use.

DFAM: Miami Vice comics are digital releases. On which platform, can the fans buy them? Are these comics available internationally?

SD: When the series launches, the book will be available for purchase through the Kindle Bookstore. You will be able to buy the issue through ComicsPlus, Google Books and other e-book stores a couple of weeks after the initial launch.

DFAM: Does Lion Forge have specific selling goals for Miami Vice comics, which could decide the future of this title?

SD: Clearly, we want and expect the comic to be successful. However, we don’t share our sales goals with the public.

DFAM: Do you look for specialized translators to edit a French version? If you want to launch a classified ad… ;-)

SD: We don’t have any plans for this yet, but thank you for the offer!

DFAM: What would you say to convince the most skeptical fans to read Miami Vice?

SD: If you like fast cars, speed boats and lots of adventure, then Miami Vice is the comic for you. Not a moment is wasted as the main characters, Crockett and Tubbs, take on the criminal aspect of Miami in the 80s.

These comics were written by Jonathan London, well-known writer, producer and award-winning director. London has an extensive background that includes working with Hulu for its web series “Singledom” and “When Ninjas Attack”. Currently, he is the editor-in-chief of the popular news network Geekscape. The art is the work of Brazilian illustrator, Geanes Holland, under the artistic direction of Carl Reed.

For this first episode, "Crockett and Tubbs race to solve a brand new case when a lethal street drug prompts a string of deaths in Miami's modeling community. Working with the team at the Organized Crime Bureau, Crockett and Tubbs attempt to locate the drug's source as all signs point to the arrival of a mysterious drug kingpin who has his sights set on taking over the Miami underworld!"

Buy Miami Vice Comic #1 on Amazon


Miami Vice Comic #1 : couverture
Miami Vice Comic #1 : cover team would like to thank (one more time) Susan Mills from Wonacott Communications for her availability and her follow-up without defect, as well as Shannon Eric Denton to have answered our questions.

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